Monday, April 14, 2014

Lathe body - epoxy + profiles


I had to sell my lathe some time ago. I had no choice but I think that it was big mistake. This is one of most important tool in workshop, when you like to build something more complicated.
So I have to get one in my shop back. I can not afford to buy new one. I am afraid to buy used one, not to get junk. So why not to try build one.

I have some spare 45 x 90 mm profiles, 1000 mm length. And a lot of smaller parts.
From my friend Jarek I have 4 kg of epoxy resin and hardener. It is a little bit old and I have to use more hardener that was in original recipe. Sand is no problem.

I decided to use mix 20% of epoxy and rest of sand. I would like to have profiles filled up very precise.

and bottom of profile after filling up with mix.