Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Vibrating table


I work in new workshop almost for 2 weeks, but there was nothing to show. Until today :)
I made a vibrating table - to vibrate future epoxy resin CNC. Below some pictures how it was made.
 - grinding machine
 - used tire
 - piece of plywood
 - some screws and nuts ( M8 and M4)
 - material for 2 wheels

 I bought this:

 and dissemble it to this:

Cover, grinding wheels were removed. Motor have 150W and 2930 rpm. Turn on/off button was put on a cable for easier access.
I took made material called tesktolit (cotton with phenyl resin) and made to wheels 15 mm wide and 72 mm of diameter. Near the edge I made 2 holes for M4 screws and I used 7 nuts for one wheel. It was made to make wheels eccentric. Small hole was made on opposite site of the wheel to make it even more eccentric.

Than I took plywood and tire and screwed them together. In side of the tire I put vibrator and screw it to the plywood. In the end it was a problem because vibrator was higher than a tire. But I take two wooden logs and screw them to a tire. Assembled looks like that:

It works ok. I put on test over 25 kg of concrete and water and it was vibrating quite well. But real test will be when some real part will be vibrated.



  1. Welcome To Technotalent Engineering India Pvt limited it is awesome Best Top vibrating table in Bangalore.you have distributed useful details. keep up the excellent vibrating table in Bangalore.this very good is really exciting and gives excellent services in bangalore.

    vibrating table

  2. Vibrating tables are used for compaction and settling of dry bulk materials, confectionery, chocolate making as well as for consolidation and the removal of entrapped air for concrete and other liquid materials.
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